Architectural Intervention (The End) 2023
Project Text  

The wall was built between the columns as a place to hang pictures. The columns there a hundred years before the gallery, the foundation of a building advertised by its developer as the longest building in the city; overlooking the water, before the bay was filled. I pictured, and then painted a picture of the wall. Displaced somewhere that looks the way cinema and television trained me to imagine the end of the world. The wall and the columns will remain there after my picture is removed. They will likely remain for a while after, too. But I wonder, how much longer? Will the gallery be there after the sea rises and the bay returns? What happens to pictures after the end of the world?

Architectural Intervention (The End).
2023. Installation view, MassArt × SoWa Gallery, Boston, MA. Photo: Rebecca Morrison.

Architectural Intervention (The End)
. 2023. Oil on canvas. 60 × 78 inches.